Mark Koster

Mark Koster

After graduation, I worked in a range of different fields before I discovered secondment in 1991. Immediately, my interest was piqued. I find working with people much more interesting than dealing with products.
My first job in secondment was with a company that specialized in technical staff. Although this organization became part of a multinational, I was given enough freedom in my role as a manager to follow my own path. This allowed me to develop both my skills as an entrepreneur and my management skills. After I left this organization, I started several activities as an entrepreneur, but there was something about the recruitment of technical personnel that continued to attract me. Apparently, this was what I really wanted to do.
So in 2003 I decided to start Selectum. It was my wish to build a company based on COOPERATION – the cooperation with technical professionals looking for an interesting job or assignment, as well as the cooperation with clients who need qualified personnel. To achieve this goal, I needed a team of experienced account managers – experienced people who understand the importance of cooperation. Soon, people from my network started showing interest. They not only had extensive experience, they also had the guts to take on this challenge together.
Selectum has been around for over fifteen years now. It is a robust organization with three divisions: Selectum Engineering, for all technical jobs in the processing industry; Selectum Construction & Civil Engineering, focusing on positions in construction and civil engineering; and Selectum Asset Integrity consultancy agency, specializing in inspection management. Every day, we work hard to achieve our goal of cooperation. I believe that our ability to collaborate with our technical specialists over a long period of time really enables us to support their careers. And of course, our success is also determined by the long-term relationships with our clients.
Every day, we try to improve ourselves and become an even more valuable partner for the people who work for us and the companies who trust in us. That’s what keeps us moving forward!

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Selectum b.v.
Benoordenhoutseweg 21
2596 BA Den Haag
070 – 324 28 00