Desmo Bertram

Desmo Bertram

Ambitious – disciplined – social – direct – honest

As a technical sourcer, I’m analyzing our clients’ job vacancies on a daily basis. I familiarize myself with our clients, check the essential job requirements and search for suitable candidates. These may be people who are working on a (short) project, who have been with the same employer for a long time or who serve on a project that is about to end. I take a very structured approach to my search, knowing exactly what I do or don’t want to see in a good candidate. When I contact them, usually I can tell immediately whether someone is interested or not.

How did you get in contact with Selectum?
My whole family works in engineering. When I started a technical training within the army (construction, electrical engineering), I noticed how the down-to-earth, honest mentality of technicians appealed to me. Integrity, straightforwardness, no hidden agendas. All values that are also conveyed by Selectum. After I was not accepted for an officer training at the royal military academy (KMA), I started thinking outside the box and came across the Selectum vacancy for technical recruiter. Since I was already familiar with the engineering domain, I decided to take the plunge.
Although I don’t work in an engineering profession now, I do work in a technical environment and I am very pleased with that.

What is an important skill as a sourcer?
Being able to read people, even in a phonecall. I also check what kind of posts they share on LinkedIn and what they publish themselves. Other important things are honesty: what can you do for someone, what can’t you do for them? Working in a structured way and being able to collaborate also contribute to your success as a sourcer.

What do you enjoy most about your job?
Offering people a chance for a better job or project. Also the versatility and arranging things smoothly, when you have been able to place a candidate. At Selectum, we really support our candidates and represent their interests, which matches my values.

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
I like to be outside, in nature. Or in my garden, growing my own vegetables. I also really like visiting Ibiza. In the local supermarkets all the cucumbers and other vegetables are grown on the island itself, that inspires me!

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Selectum b.v.
Benoordenhoutseweg 23
2596 BA Den Haag
070 – 324 28 00