Lennaert van Zon

Lennaert van Zon

My education in Chemical Engineering has taught me a lot about improving processes, techniques and products, but also how to implement this in an organisation and how to inform your clients and the market of these improvements.

During internships I developed an interest in the human side of engineering, and noticed that the quality of the technical specialist could be a crucial factor during the process as well as in the end result.

Because of this experience I decided to pursue a career in job placement and recruitment. I am interested in the techniques, but my focus is on the people. The contacts with both professionals and clients make my work very dynamic. I get a lot of benefit from having a technical education; I know what our specialists are talking about, which makes it much easier to get to the heart of the matter. I can link this information with the wishes of our clients, because, naturally, you also need to take the wishes and requirements of the client into account. After finding a match, the collaboration is then about bringing the project to the desired completion. I have extensive experience in offshore recruitment, but recently have been able to add experience in the (petro-)chemical and pharmaceutical industry, and with power plants to that.

Since 2010 I am using this experience in my work for Selectum, within a team of no-nonsense co-workers that get what this business is all about: working hard trying to find the perfect match between technical professionals and companies.

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Selectum b.v.
Benoordenhoutseweg 21
2596 BA Den Haag
070 – 324 28 00