Performing engineering calculations and analysis associated with pressure relief system design (including flare disposal system) in Siemens PS PPM, Aspen HYSYS and Flare System Analyzer.
Challenging the relief system design concerns flagged out by past Relief/Flare revalidation projects by:
- Performing detailed engineering calculations, evaluating and interpreting plant historical data and industry standards.
- Critically evaluating the limitations of process units and their pressure relief systems.
- Recommending actions or mitigation plans to address the validated relief system design concerns.
- Prepare Basic engineering studies (Statement of Requirements Documents) during Appraise and Select Stage of projects capturing the design specification.
- Responsible for quality and technical contents of the Basic engineering studies (Statement of Requirements Documents) during Appraise and Select Stage of projects. Therefore, the engineer must be able to communicate technical requirements and deliverables clearly and concisely.
Performing quality assurance on projects during Define & Execute stage:
- Define, reviewing Basis of Design (BOD) documents.
- Execute Engineering, reviewing Release for Construction (RFC) relief dossier.
- End of Execute Construction, reviewing as-built relief dossier.
- Work with internal and external stakeholders to ensure the technical aspects of the project are delivered in good quality.
Provide support to BPRR pressure relief system SME in:
- Evergreening BPRR's flare & relief system dossiers via Pressure Relief System Life Cycle Management program.
- Ensuring Management of Change (MOC) and project teams update PS PPM database, and hand over the as-built relief system dossier in PS PPM format to Pressure Relief System SME and Files & Drawing department.
- Performing quarterly self-verification activities related to relief systems.
- Performing cyclic revalidation on relief dossier as preparation work for cyclic HAZOP.
- Provide support to HAZOP and LOPA team for relief system related questions.
- Support the follow-up of MOC and HAZOP action items.
- Provide support to determine CDTP (cold differential test pressure) of PSV’s for Inspection & Maintenance team.