Erkan Yüksel – Plant Inspector BP Refinery

Erkan Yüksel – Plant Inspector BP Refinery

The end of 2018 started with a new job for Erkan Yüksel, Plant Inspector at BP Refinery in Rotterdam. Selectum helped Erkan to immigrate from Turkey to get started in this challenging job. Erkan is happy to share his experience in his new job, a new country and his relationship to Selectum.

Erkan, what is your job exactly?

I am a member of the inspection department at BP. The Plant Inspection Department consists of course of Inspection and is specialized in Corrosion and Risk Based Inspection programs (RBI). We are responsible for safety and integrity of process equipment, pipelines, boilers and storage tanks in the refinery. Our job includes inspection, life assessments, reliability, efficiency and performance of assets in the plant. I have been working here for 3 months in a fulltime job. It’s very exciting to be part of the huge, complex processes we deal with.

How did you get in touch with Selectum?

One of my connections, who is corrosion and material expert, has been working for Selectum for several years. In fact, Selectum transferred him to the Netherlands from Germany many years ago. My connection contacted me when there was a job opportunity at BP that would be interesting for me. The plant inspection job was mediated by Selectum. From then on things went fast: Gert-Jan Pleysier called me on Skype and I had a few interviews with BP. All of them included technical, situational and behavioural subjects/questions. I was looking for a job in Rotterdam before and this one showed the perfect match. I was a tourist before in the Netherlands several times, but starting in a serious work is a completely different matter. Selectum helped me a lot in all the process of coming to the Netherlands. Gert -Jan always responded quickly to me, no matter the time of day. He showed me favourable hospitality. Not only by being so helpful in the process, but also by sharing tips and tricks of survival in the Netherlands. 😉

How do you feel about the cooperation with Selectum?

As a tourist, you don’t need to think about tomorrow. As an expat though you have to plan ahead and take conscious steps each part of the way. I am making a fresh start, starting a completely new life and I want everything to be in a good way. Selectum is experienced in helping people from outside the EU-region and that was a huge help to start my new life. Every expat can tell you it’s a big step (and sometimes a serious risk) to start living in another country. Selectum is an open company about everything: the contract, working conditions, living situation. So I knew a lot about what to face before coming and could begin my new life here.

Do you see any developments in your field of work?

In Turkey, I already worked a lot in petrol companies, so I was looking forward to coming here and further develop as an inspection professional. When I arrived here I knew I’m good at the inspection but in BP we face huge and complicated processes/assets so every day I’m learning a lot. BP is a company that has specialists for every job. My colleagues are highly educated and very experienced men and ladies. Every day we try to find the best solutions for the problems we face with sharing each other.

What is the best part about your job?

In my department, I am the only one who doesn’t know the Dutch language but it is not a problem at all. Everybody knows English and all of them are kind. My colleagues and I are working as asset life responsibles. Our jobs main steps are plan, do, act, check and give improvement recommendation if possible. I enjoy to observe and contribute to these processes. Apart from the technical part of my job, I am also very pleased with the way BP cares about health and safety issues. It’s a highly professional company. The culture is set on awareness in every action, from working in high elevation and temperatures to climbing stairs. So that’s why BP is really successful in the field of Oil and Gas. They care about people.

Would you recommend Selectum to others and why?

I already did! All my friends and professional contacts know about my good experiences with Selectum. Before saying good or bad things about a secondment agency you have to experience what they are like. I met almost all of the Selectum colleagues and they are excellent at creating an open, humane culture. It’s a positive agency, so I am certainly recommending Selectum to all my relevant friends and contacts. I am observing Selectum’s job offers and will certainly call one of my friends when I see a matching job vacancy by Selectum.

Any famous last words?

I always set goals for myself. Where do I want to be in next 1 year, 3 years, 5 years’ time? As for now, my main goal is to work for international companies. Selectum gave me the chance to start in my first international company and grow from there. They took a leap of faith with me and I won’t easily forget this opportunity.

N.B. After a long period of employment and in coordination with Selectum, this colleague has now become a permanent member of staff with our client.

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